Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Your best work is your expression of yourself.

Translation: ooooh, aaaah, the blog's been redesigned. I was feeling rather majestic today and I think the new format reflects that quite wonderfully. Have a good evening, all!


  1. This totally fits this blog lol and I love it :)

  2. thank you!! I am really digging this layout better.

  3. Well, from your "about me" on another site I thought this would be an interesting blog to read, but brown on black, small point size...I find this blog almost unreadable.

  4. sorry you're having difficulties seeing but the color is yellow, not brown?


Please indulge me, and leave a little feedback! I like knowing I'm not the only person in the world with thoughts this random. You are not required to be on blogger to comment, or registered in any way. Also, I got rid of that annoying Captcha (I'm convinced it was created by the devil).